UK based PPSS Group have created a new range of wearable and high effective clothing offering exceptional levels of cut protection.  Made 100% out of the highly acclaimed high performance cut resistant fabric Cut-Tex PRO, these new garments are already making a significant difference to the safety and security of prison and correctional officers worldwide.

SlashPRO Slash Resistant Clothing is offering extremely high levels of cut protection to the most vulnerable areas, to which common body armour do not offer any protection at all.

To hold a shield, baton, pepper spray or CS gas, the muscles of your forearm will contract, and they will pull on the flexor tendons.  These tendons pass through the wrist and are attached to the fingers. If a prisoner cuts the tendons or the muscles that power them, the officer’s hand will no longer be able to hold the object. Slash resistant clothing can effectively prevent such injury and keep the officer injury free and alive.How A New Generation Of Cut Resistant Clothing Can Help Protect Correctional Officers

Tendons or muscles require dependable, effective protection from such targeted cut, but the most important thing we all need to understand is that especially the cutting of any of the carotid artery, axillary artery, brachial artery or radial artery would lead to immediate and rapid blood loss, most likely shock and potentially even death.

An Officer’s natural response to violence

Most prison or correctional officers will, by instinct, lift their arms and hands during a potential hostile situation, in order to protect the face and head. This is of course nothing to be embarrassed about. It is totally normal, and only specially trained operators would respond differently and more effectively.

But we must recognise that this ‘natural’ response would expose an awfully vulnerable area under your arms. A cut, injuring the auxiliary artery under your arms, can without any question be fatal.

Prison and correctional officers often receive cut wounds along the forearm or open hand.  These wounds are the most common injuries and classed as ‘defensive wounds’, often seen as evidence in the court of law that the wearer was protecting him or herself, rather attacking a person.

There is a real argument that those men and women must have the moral and legal right to be equipped appropriately, and slash resistant clothing can be deemed appropriate.  It can make the difference between an officer coming home safely at the end of the day or not coming home at all.

For additional information on slash resistant clothing, please visit

How A New Generation Of Cut Resistant Clothing Can Help Protect Correctional Officers